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Isaiah 49:16 – Engraved You On The Palms Of My Hands

Isaiah 49:16 - Engraved You On The Palms Of My Hands

Isaiah 49:16 says God told the people of Israel he will never forget them, saying, “I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.”

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Isaiah 49:16

See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me. 

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Con's Big Bible Facts: The Book of Isaiah

Isaiah 49:16 will rock your socks off!!!

It features God telling the people of Israel He will never forget them, saying "I have engraved you on the palms of My hands."

Now...what proof did Jesus offer His disciples that He had returned from the dead? The holes in his palms. Those holes were a symbol of God's love and the fact that He will never forget us.

And what's cool is that Isaiah was written 700 years before Jesus!

You could say that the holes in Jesus' hands represent the names of those He died for.

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Isaiah 11:5 – Righteousness Will Be His Belt

isaiah 11:5

Abby’s desire to be like Jesus conflicts with her fashion sense. Isaiah 11:5 #isaiah #bible #bibleverse #biblestudy #iamachristian

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Abby: I want to be like Jesus.
Jerry: That's good.

Abby: But Isaiah 11:5 says "Righteousness will be His belt."

Jerry: Why is that a problem?

Abby: Belts make me look hip-py.

Isaiah 11 speaks prophecy about the coming of Jesus Christ.

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Isaiah 49:16 – Engraved On The Palm Of My Hands

isaiah 49:16

Because of this verse, you could say that the scars on Jesus’ hands represent the names of all of us who now trust in Him as our Savior and Lord.

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Con's Big Bible Facts

Con: Isaiah 49:16 will rock your socks off!!!

Con: It features God telling the people of Israel He will never forget them, saying "I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."

Con: Now...what proof did Jesus offer His disciples that He had returned from the dead? The holes in His palms. Those holes were a symbol of God's love and the fact that He will never forget us.

Con: And what's cool is that Isaiah was written 700 years before Jesus!

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The Book of Isaiah In The Bible

book of isaiah

Con presents a cool Bible Fact about the book of Isaiah. #bible #biblefacts #isaiah #jesuschrist #prophecy

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Con's Big Bible Facts

Con: Isaiah is an interesting Book of the Bible.

Con: First, Isaiah's constructed just like the Bible: There are 66 books in the Bible and 66 chapters in Isaiah. The first 39 books of the Bible deal mainly with Israel, as do the first 39 chapters of Isaiah.

Con: The last 27 books of the Bible concern the life and coming of Jesus Christ, as do the last 27 chapters of Isaiah. In fact, these 27 chapters of the Old Testament predict Jesus, listing more than 20 things about him that came true!

Con: What does all this mean? Beats me, but it's pretty darned neat!

The Bible is a wonderful and amazing thing...But why would God write anything less?

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