Tag Archives | health

Don’t Tell Lies

don't tell lies

Even if you have to lose more than 75 pounds, a local church can probably help you with a diet plan that works in conjunction with your faith for better success.

↓ Transcript
Con: Nim, buddy! Look at you! You've lost all your extra weight!

Con: That church diet plan really did the job!
Nim: I know! I lost 75 pounds!

Con: 75 pounds? That sounds like a whopper.

Nim: Nope. Whoppers aren't allowed on this diet.

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Is Being Overweight A Sin?

diet comic

It’s a good idea to look at anything you’re doing in excess and ask yourself, “Is this interfering with my relationship with God?”

↓ Transcript
Nim: Why am I on this stupid diet? It's not like it's a sin or anything to be fat!

Abby: No, it's not a sin, but it might show ingratitude to God for his sacred gift of life.

Abby: Plus, our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and should be kept as pure as possible.

Nim: Don't argue with me today, fuzzball! I may be small, but I'm hungry!

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Starting A Diet

starting a diet

Matthew 13 tells us how the greatest rewards are worth the greatest sacrifices. Don’t cheat yourself out of your full reward.

↓ Transcript
Abby: Looks like you have to diet, Nim.
Nim: Way ahead of you. I already started.

Abby: Really? That's great! What have you given up?

Nim: Tons of things! Broccoli...zucchini...cabbage...beets...

Abby: But you don't eat any of those...
Nim: I can't wait for the pounds to start melting away!

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No Calories

calorie free food

It’s important to remember that not everything you hear from others is true. Read your Bible to make sure you don’t just believe what others tell you about God.

↓ Transcript
Con: I hear you told Nim food has no calories if eaten in church.
Amos: That's right!

Con: No, that's wrong. Food always has calories.
Amos: Really? Oh, well. No harm, no foul.

Con: Then I guess you haven't seen him?
Amos: Seen who?

Nim: Hi guys, what's shaking?

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