Tag Archives | haughty eyes

Proverbs 6:16-19 – Haughty Eyes

christian comic strip

Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us the seven things the Lord hates. It’s a good way to learn how God doesn’t want each of His followers to act.

↓ Transcript
Nim: My eyes don't look haughty, do they?
Abby: Huh?

Nim: Proverbs 6:16-19 tells of the seven things God hates.

Nim: The first thing God detests are haughty eyes. I don't know what that means, but I wanna make sure I don't have them!

Abby: Nope, not haughty. They're a little bloodshot. And you've got some crust in the corners.
Nim: HEY!!!

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Psalm 131 And Haughty Eyes

Psalm 131 And Haughty Eyes

Nim is reading Psalm 131 and trying to make sure his character is in line with God’s teaching. Have you taken the time to make sure you’re living as God wants you to?

Psalm 131

↓ Transcript
Nim: My eyes don't look haughty, do they?
Abby: Huh?
Nim: I'm reading Psalm 131. I've made sure my hearts not proud. I don't concern myself with great matters and I've put my hope in the Lord. But I need to make sure my eyes aren't haughty.
Abby: Nope. Not haughty. They're a little bloodshot. And you've got some crust in the corners.
Nim: Hey!!!

Psalm 131 shows us that we shouldn't judge others. Judgment is to be left to God.

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