Tag Archives | good over evil

Rock, Paper, Scissors and Evil

christian cartoon

Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” – Romans 12:17-18

↓ Transcript
Nim: Professor Amos, Con says we can use good to conquer evil.

Amos: Con is right. That's what the Bible tells us in Romans 12.

Nim: Okay...so let me see if I've got this straight.

Nim: Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper & good beats evil.

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Interpretive Dance

christian comic strip

No matter how you express it, the message should always be the same: Good will always triumph over evil. Find your talent and use it to spread God’s Word.

↓ Transcript
Abby: Before you get any cookies, I will perform for you an interpretive dance.

Jerry: Great!
Con: Can't wait to see it!

Abby: I call it "God's good beats satan's evil." Commencez!

Jerry: All I can say is these better be good cookies.
Con: Keep smiling. It can't last long.

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Interpretive Dance For God

interpretive dance for god

Abby offers the Pups some cookies, but not before they watch her interpretive dance. #goodoverevil #iamachristian #bible #biblehumor #christianhumor

↓ Transcript
Abby: Before you get any cookies, I will perform for you an interpretive dance.

Jerry: Great!
Con: Can't wait to see it!

Abby: I call it "God's good beats Satan's evil." Commencez!

Jerry: All I can say is these better be good cookies.
Con: Keep smiling. It can't last long.

No matter how you express it, the message is the same: Good will triumph over evil.

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