Tag Archives | fellowship

Ice Cream Social

christian comic strip

If your church hasn’t had an ice cream social, you should work to get one started. They’re a lot of fun and a great way to encourage more fellowship.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Our church had an big ice cream social last night.

Abby: Didn't that mess up your diet?

Nim: Nope, I took some all-natural, no-sugar, no-fat, hi-fiber, non-dairy frozen dessert food.
Abby: What flavor?

Nim: The said "Banana Split Blast," but it tasted more like "feet blast."

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Stop The Presses

journalism cartoon

There’s a lot happening at your church. Be sure to keep up with everything by reading your church newsletter or bulletin.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Since I started writing for the church bulletin, nothing's happened!

Abby: What do you mean nothing? Last week was grade school promotions, the teens volunteered at a homeless shelter and a missionary visited from Nigeria.

Nim: Yeah, but nothing that would let me shout, STOP THE PRESSES!!!

Abby: But we don't have presses. We only have a Xerox.
Nim: You know what I mean.

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Obedience To God Part 3

funny christian comics

Is your prayer time a real fellowship with the Lord? Or do you just spend a lot of time whining and begging for what you want?

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Dear Diary-To-God...

Today in obedience school, I learned that my master doesn't like it when I just beg all the time.

I thought he loved it when I whined and begged in my adorable way. I thought it meant as much to him as it does to me when he would finally just give me a cookie.

But now I found out that what he wants most is just to spend some time with me.

Imagine that!

Love, Abby

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Volunteer At Church

christian cartoon

Volunteer for something at your church this week to help out. Then do whatever you’re asked to do with joy in your heart, no matter how small the task might be.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've started volunteering at my church during the week.

Nim: But all they ever give me are small jobs.

Con: Just remember, Nim: There are no small jobs, only small people.

Nim: But I'm the SMALLEST one there!

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Church Ice Cream Social

church ice cream social

Nim’s church has an ice cream social to increase fellowship. #church #fellowship #sundayschool #biblestudy

↓ Transcript
Nim: Our church had a big ice cream social last night.

Abby: Didn't that mess up your diet?

Nim: Nope, I took some all-natural, no-sugar, no-fat, hi-fiber, non-dairy frozen dessert food.
Abby: What flavor?

Nim: The package said "Banana Split Blast," but it tasted more like "Feet Blast."

If your church hasn't had an ice cream social, get one started!

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