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Tag Archives | do not be afraid

Have No Fear

do not be afraid

Con offers one of his Big Bible Facts around the idea of not being afraid. Guess how many times God tells us to have no fear? #donotbeafraid #nofear #god #angels #bible #biblestudy

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Con's Big Bible Facts

Con: What phrase is repeated exactly 365 times in the Bible?

Con: Do not be afraid.

Con: That's one reassurance for every day of the year.

Con: Pretty cool, huh?

When God is on your side, you have nothing to fear.

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Do Not Be Afraid 3

christian comic strip

If you’re afraid of something, a good way to deal with it is to focus on something positive. It can be something physical, like a cookie, or something bigger, like God’s unfailing love for us.

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Jerry: So Con, I hear you're afraid of thunder.
Con: Yeah.

Jerry: I feel for you, man. My big fear is shiny floors. But then one day when I got scared, I ate a bunch of cookies. And that's what I've done ever since.

Con: How do cookies cure fear?

Jerry: I didn't say they cured me. I just get to eat more of them.

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Do Not Be Afraid 2

christian comic strip

Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar is normal, but God can help you deal with your fear so that you have no reason to ever be afraid.

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Abby: Your fear of thunder is irrational, Con.
Con: I know.

Abby: Thunder is just a sonic wave created by the expansion of air surrounding a bolt of lightning.

Con: I know it's irrational, but you of all people should understand. After all, you're afraid of rolled-up newspapers.

Abby: You're not actually comparing a little thunder to "Satan's Baseball Bats," are you?

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Do Not Be Afraid 1

bible comics

If you have something you’re afraid of, read your Bible because it tells us to have no fear, fear not and do not be afraid 365 times. That’s one time for every day of the year!

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Abby: The 4th of July was great. We watched fireworks from the church lawn.


Abby: I heard about you running and hiding in the church when the fireworks show started.
Con: I thought it was thunder!

Con: You know how I feel about the Godless thunder!
Abby: "Godless" thunder?

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Do Not Be Afraid – Christian Meme

christian comic strip

The Bible tells us “do not be afraid” 365 times. That’s one reassurance for every day of the year. Listen to God when He says that He’s got this!

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Don't be afraid!!!

God's got this!

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