Tag Archives | depressed

Psalm 42:11 – Don’t Be Depressed

christian comics

When you’re feeling down or lost, combine Psalm 42:11 and the Lord’s Prayer for a “double-shot” of “feel better!”

↓ Transcript
Con: Ever feel depressed and you don't know why?

Con: When you do, read Psalm 42:11 out loud to yourself.

Con: "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God." - Psalm 42:11

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Prayer For Depression

christian comics

When you’re feeling depression and don’t know what to do, pray to Jesus to help you find the blessings in your life. It’s guaranteed to help!

↓ Transcript
Con: You were depressed a while back, Nim. Are you better?
Nim: Yep!

Nim: I asked Jesus for help, and He took care of me.
Con: I'm glad to hear it.

Nim: Me too. I was lower than a snake's belly crawling in a ditch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Con: How long have you been waiting to use that one?
Nim: All week.

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