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Apologetics Part 3


Don’t be like Nim. Apologetics is defending your faith, it’s also one of the most powerful ways to bring non-believers to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Nim: This apologetics stuff is really easy. All I have to do is defend my faith, which is simple.

Con: Simple? Really? What do you say when someone denies God? How do you respond to attacks against Jesus? Where do you take a conversation that's so conflict-ridden?

Nim: Well, I find it helpful to take a deep breath, look them in the eye and go...

Nim: (Sticks tongue out) PPPLLLLLLBBBBBB!!!

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Apologetics Part 4

christian comic strip

The whole point of apologetics is to win souls for Christ…not to win an argument. So defend your faith strongly, but check your attitude and make sure you’re doing it out of love.

↓ Transcript
Con: You've got to stop, Nim. Apologetics doesn't mean telling non-believers to "catch a clue, dude!"

Nim: I know.

Nim: How about if I tell some of them to go jump in a lake?

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