Tag Archives | cookie

Interpretive Dance

christian comic strip

No matter how you express it, the message should always be the same: Good will always triumph over evil. Find your talent and use it to spread God’s Word.

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Abby: Before you get any cookies, I will perform for you an interpretive dance.

Jerry: Great!
Con: Can't wait to see it!

Abby: I call it "God's good beats satan's evil." Commencez!

Jerry: All I can say is these better be good cookies.
Con: Keep smiling. It can't last long.

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Attitude of Gratitude

christian comic strip

Do you have an attitude of gratitude? #gratitude #grateful #thankful #thanks #blessed #blessings #iamachristian

↓ Transcript
Amos: What do you view as the world's biggest's problem?

Con: That's easy...lack of gratitude.

Con: If we were all just more grateful for what God has given us instead of worrying about what we don't have, most of the world's problems would be cleared up. What do you think is the biggest problem today?

Amos: Lack of cookies.

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