Tag Archives | committee

Church Task Force

Christian Comics

Abby gets added to a church task force. The fewer layers of bureaucracy in your church, the time it has to get things done for everyone.

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Con: How goes the Committee on Committees.
Abby: They've put me on a new task force.

Con: What's the new task force charged with doing?

Abby: We have to create a small group council that will make recommendations to my task force on how to better structure our committees, which I will formally present to the Committee on Committees.

Con: That makes my brain hurt.
Abby: Tell me about it.

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Church Committees

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If your church spends more time preparing to get things done than it does actually getting things done, maybe it’s time to look at streamlining the process.

↓ Transcript
Abby: I think my church needs streamlining.

Abby: We even formed a Committee on Committees.

Jerry: Where do they meet?

Abby: Nowhere yet. They've just formed a committee to figure that out.

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