Tag Archives | change

Focus on God

focus on god

Nim continues his quest in #prayer for God to change his #badhabits. Today he wants better focus.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've been praying for God to change the way I behave.

Con: Like what?

Nim: Like staying focused on thing at a ti...HEY, A SQUIRREL!

Con: I'd keep praying if I were you.
Nim: I love squid...LOOK, A BIRD!

God will help us change anything about ourselves that we don't like.

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Very Traditional Church

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Some churches are traditional, some are contemporary. Some are big, some are small. Some meet once a week, some have activities everyday. Find the one that fits you.

↓ Transcript
Abby: My Uncle Casey's church is very traditional.

Con: How traditional is it?

Abby: The last time anyone tried to change a lightbulb...

Abby:...the congregation cried, "Change?! You want to CHANGE something?!!!"

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