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Tag Archives | bible school

The Word

The Word comic from Treasure Hunt Featuring Prayer Pups

The Word of God is found in your Bible. You can spread it to others through speaking, singing, rapping, art or whatever gift God has given you to share. Order Here:

↓ Transcript
Nim: Yo! Abby, Word to your mother!
Abby: Huh?

Nim: The Bible is called "The Word." So I'm spreading the "Word," but like a rapper.

Abby: That's great, but you don't have to be a rapper to spread the Word.
Nim: True dat. But this makes it off the chain. Yassss!

Abby: You are so odd.
Nim: Word, yo!

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Vacation Bible School

vacation bible school vbs

Vacation Bible School is a great way to learn more about Christ and the Bible. And it’s a lot of fun, as well! Find out about VBS at your local churches.

↓ Transcript
Abby: It's almost summer!
Nim: I know.

Nim: That means bar-be-cues, swimming, staying outside later, shorts, sandals, going to the beach, vacation, no school!

Abby: You forgot the most important thing.
Nim: What's that?


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