Tag Archives | baptist

Baptism Sound Effects

christian comic

Baptism is a gift from God and is a part of your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you’re not baptized, talk to your pastor today.

↓ Transcript
Amos: Nim, how did you enjoy the baptism in church today?

Nim: Oh, it was all right, but if you ask me, it needed bigger production value. Lots of flash! Maybe do something cool with the lighting.

Amos: Ummm...
Nim: I've got it! Sound effects!!!

Amos: I don't think...

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baptism church comics

When you church has important moments – like Baptisms – make sure you’re involved in the importance of the event. Don’t just phone it in!

↓ Transcript
Amos: My church had six baptisms this past Sunday.

Con: That's awesome! You know, every time my church goes through one of our rituals, I can actually feel my relationship with God grow. It strengthens my faith and helps me to become an active part of the "Body of Christ."

Con: How did the baptisms make you feel, Amos?

Amos: Hungry! We were 30 minutes late getting out of church!

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