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Tag Archives | baptismal

Big Church

Church cartoon

Some churches are big and others are small. It doesn’t matter which you go to as long as you’re having fellowship in God. Find the church that fits you best.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I visited my uncle's church this weekend.

Nim: It's the biggest church I've ever seen.

Con: How big is it?

Nim: It's so big that the baptistry includes a waterslide and four-star hotel.

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Baptism Sound Effects

christian comic

Baptism is a gift from God and is a part of your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you’re not baptized, talk to your pastor today.

↓ Transcript
Amos: Nim, how did you enjoy the baptism in church today?

Nim: Oh, it was all right, but if you ask me, it needed bigger production value. Lots of flash! Maybe do something cool with the lighting.

Amos: Ummm...
Nim: I've got it! Sound effects!!!

Amos: I don't think...

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Matthew 28: High-Dive Baptisms

christian cartoon

Jesus said about baptisms in Matthew 28, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

↓ Transcript
Nim: I have a great idea! High-dive baptisms!
Con: What?!

Nim: The preacher pushes people in the water from the highest-dive at a swimming pool! They get to accept Jesus and conquer their fear simultaneously!
("You're saved!" "Aaaa!")

Con: What about churches that baptize babies?
Nim: Two words: water wings!

Con: This is a really bad idea.
Nim: Pish-posh! Hurry up and get me a patent attorney on the phone!

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