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Tag Archives | angel

Matthew 2:14 – Pharaoh Dance

christian comic strip

Matthew 2:14 tells how Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus to Egypt to evade Pharaoh’s men. #nativity #jesus #bethlehem #egypt

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Abby: An angel appeared to Joseph and told him to take Mary and Jesus and flee Bethlehem.

Abby: Joseph did as he was told and they went to Egypt. (Matthew 2:14)

Nim: Egypt?!!!

Abby: Nim looks for any opportunity to do his "Pharaoh Dance."
Nim: Dee dee dee dee dee!

The angel's warning not only saved Jesus' life, but also made sure prophecy was fulfilled.

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Goodwill Toward Men

christian cartoon

Glory to God in the highest. Peace on earth, goodwill toward men. #god #jesus #heaven #angels #jesus #nativity

↓ Transcript
Amos: And suddently there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying...

Amos: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."

Nim: Peace toward dogs, too?

The angel appeared to shepherd heralding the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.

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