Characters Archives: Nim

Nimrod, or “Nim,” is a chihuahua who usually speaks before he thinks, often resulting in hilarious opinions.

Colossians 2:30 – Find Your Treasure

Find Your Treasure

Colossians 2:3

↓ Transcript
Nim: What's up, Amos? Why aren't you dressed for exploring? We said we were going to look for hidden treasure.
Amos: I know. But I gave it a lot of thought and I realized something. I've already found my treasure!

Have you found your treasure in Christ?

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Genesis 6:18 – Noah’s Wife

Noah's Wife

Gen 5:32-10:1

Genesis 6:18

↓ Transcript
Nim: Was Noah's wife Joan of Ark?
Abby: No! Who in the world would ever think that?
Nim: Apparently we haven't me, my name is Nim.

No one knows the name of Noah's wife because it's never mentioned in the Bible.

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1 John 4:1 – Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

Don't Believe Everything You Hear

1 John 4:1

↓ Transcript
Con: I hear you told Nim food has no calories if eaten in church.
Amos: That's right!
Con: No, that's wrong. Food always has calories.
Amos: Really? Oh, well. No harm, no foul.
Con: Then I guess you haven't seen him.
Amos: Seen who?
Nim: Hi guys, what's shaking?

Don't believe everything you hear.

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Food In Church Has No Calories?

Food In Church Has No Calories

1 Peter 1:13

↓ Transcript
Amos: I can't wait for the church dinner this week! I'm going to have 2 hamburgers, a giant plate of fries, some of those big pickles, a couple of chocolate milks and desserts!
Nim: Hold on, Amos...I thought you were on a diet. That's a lot of calories.
Amos: I am. But food you eat in church doesn't have any calories.
Nim: Hot dog!

If only that were true.

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1 Corinthians 10:13 – Temptation

1 Corinthians 10:13 - Temptation

1 Corinthians 10:13

↓ Transcript
Amos: The vet made my master put me on a diet.
Nim: How's that going?
Amos: I realized that being on a diet is a lot like our journey as Christians. Every morning, we have to wake up and make a decision to be faithful or not.
Nim: Yeah, but at least with a diet, you don't have the devil whispering in your ear to be bad.
Amos: I don't know. I've always thought the devil might come dressed as a cupcake.

Just like in dieting, we must remain resolute in our Christian walk.

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Mark 5:36 – Super-Pastor

Seriously Afraid

Mark 5:36

↓ Transcript
Nim: Have you talked to your pastor about your fear of thunder?
Con: I don't think he would understand. He's not afraid of anything. Not rolled-up papers, loud noises, shiny floors, not even thunder.
Nim: Wow. He's not just a Pastor. He's more like a superhero.
Con: Seriously.

Your church leaders can help you reduce your fears.

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John 14:1-3 – Jesus Has Prepared A Place For You

John 14:1-3 - Jesus Has Prepared A Place For You

John 14:1-3

↓ Transcript
Nim: So you say Jesus has prepared a thing for me in Heaven?
Con: No, a place.
Nim: The thing is a place?
Con: No, Jesus has prepared a place.
Nim: To put the thing in?
Con: No, to put YOU in.
Nim: I'll be put in some...THING?
Con: You're not listening to me. Jesus is preparing a place for you. End of story.
Nim: Okay, I get it. Now tell me more about the thing.

Jesus has prepared a place for you in Heaven.

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Isaiah 53:6 – Following God’s Path

Trust in God, Not Money

Isaiah 53:6

↓ Transcript
Amos: So your quest for world domination has come to a close, huh?
Nim: Yeah, I finally understood that I was putting my faith in money instead of in God. And that God is the only one who can have dominion over the world.
Amos: That's a very mature attitude.
Nim: I know. And now I can focus on what I REALLY want.
Amos: What's that?
Nim: Pure, raw power!

Do you do things to bring glory to God or to bring glory to yourself?

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Proverbs 13:17 – Worldly Success

Get RIch Quick Scheme

Proverbs 13:17

↓ Transcript
Con: What's wrong?
Nim: Abby pointed out something bad I've been doing. I was trying to get rich quick so I could have power over my own destiny, instead of trusting God to care for me.
Con: Cheer up, little guy. At least you see the error of your ways.
Nim: I know. But now I don't get to dominate the world!

Only a fool relies on himself over God.

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Philippians 4:19-20 – Trust God To Take Care Of You

Trust God To Take Care Of You

Philippians 4:19-20

↓ Transcript
Nim: My newest scheme is gonna make me millions!
Abby: Why is it so important to you to make millions?
Abby: It's not because you don't trust God to take care of you and that you have to take care of yourself, is it?
Nim: You know, you're sucking all the fun out of the world domination thing.

God will satisfy all of your needs.

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